
Division of Child Education

  • Department of Early Childhood Education (3yrs.)

    Provides live education with state-of-the-art laboratories, specialized curricula and field-focused education through industry-university cooperation with renowned kindergartens in and around Busan.
    [ Career ]
    Kindergarten, Nursery school, Company developing teaching materials for young children, Child education related magazine company, Research center, Center for child counseling and treatment

  • Department of Child Welfare and Educare (3yrs.)

    Fosters nursery school teachers and social welfare workers with competency and professional skills and knowledge to provide high quality educare service.
    [ Career ]
    Nursery school, Government offices, Child welfare center, Local center for children, Social Welfare Service, Social volunteer center

  • Department of Children Educare (3yrs.)
    - Major in Children¡®s Art

    One and only course specializing in both child care and art in Busan. Students enhance work competency through one-on-one learning and various field practice.
    [ Career ]
    Nursery school, Private art institution, Kindergarten art class, After-school art class, Cultural center, Art studio, Art therapy center

  • Department of Children Educare (3yrs.)
    - Major in Children¡®s Physical Education & Dance

    One and only course in Busan and Kyung-Nam area that fosters teachers holding the skills and knowledge of both nursery school teacher and children's sports teacher who can handle children's physical development and affective expression. Students participated in various Busan contests and national competitions have won numerous awards.
    [ Career ]
    Nursery school, Kindergarten, Primary school, Middle school, YMCA baby sports class and child sports class, Public health office, Sports class for special people, Sports related office, Recreation center, Sports massage shop, Fitness center, Aqua-aerobics center, Cultural center

  • Department of Children Educare (3yrs.)
    - Major in Children¡®s Library Services

    According to the Ministry of Education's report, health related jobs (4th) and library information related jobs (12th) marked high in female employment rate. The department fosters health specialists such as medical librarian, public librarian, reading instructor and bibliotherapist through its dual-major system that merges health care and library information science. All freshmen receive fellow-supporting scholarship from the alumni association.
    [ Career ]
    Government office, School library, Research center, Newspaper company, Broadcasting company, Company resource center, Public library, Medical school library, Hospital library, Hospital administration office